Global News VBD Prevention and Control


Recent Updates on  VBDs in the Caribbean Region


Working Groups

The Caribbean Vector Borne Disease Network (CariVecNet) comprises of four Working Groups. These Working Groups include Vector Control, Surveillance/Epidemiology, Clinical Management and Laboratory Services...

Vector Control

Vector Control

Strengthened institutional capacity for vector control programs in the Caribbean......
Clinical Management

Clinical Management

Clinical Management.
Disease Surveillance

Disease Surveillance

Strengthening in-country Disease Surveillance system......
Laboratory Diagnostics

Laboratory Diagnostics

Increased capacity for the detection, monitoring & Surveillance of mosquito borne diseases in the Caribbean......
Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Strengthened public education & behaviour change on mosquito borne diseases......

Grow through CariVecNet

A Programme Of Support For Health System Strengthening For Prevention & Control Of Outbreaks Of Mosquito-Borne Diseases In The Caribbean.

Technical Working Group Conferences

Steering Committee Conferences

Achievements from Collaborating Member States

Key Areas of Focus

CariVectNet Partners

Trinidad and Tobago Head Office
St. Lucia Office
Jamaica Office

This website was developed with the support of the Agence française de développement (AFD).